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Kept in Faith

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Receiving God's Word in our Heart

Conception of Eternal Love

“………being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

I found it fascinating to discover in the conception process of an unborn child, only one sperm can penetrate the female egg. After the penetration and conception takes place, there is a chemical barrier preventing further penetration of other sperms.

So it is with our faith. Once we believe in Christ’s salvation for the forgiveness of our sins with the confession of our mouth, conception takes place and our faith continues to grow. Although there may be lull periods in the process, faith is still there, and no other faith or religion, nor any spiritual power can replace the Truth or remove Christ from our hearts. (John 10:29)

Once, many years ago, I thought it was possible to lose my salvation through gross sins, spiritual failures and mistakes. I mishandled God’s Word and misunderstood His grace. As a result, the Lord allowed me to be tempted and I entered a fiery trial purposed to test my faith. So intense was the trial, I accepted what Satan hurled at me in self- condemnation and even was convinced I had committed the unpardonable. At one point, the sense of guilt, remorse and hopelessness was so inescapable I attempted to take my life.

This fiery trial which came to test my faith landed me in a Psychiatric hospital.
(1Peter 4:12-13). I was surrounded by misery and hopelessness. During this time a visiting cleric came offering the Lord’s Communion. I was among a group in attendance, hoping to be comforted. However, when the bread and cup was passed around, I elected not to partake; knowing what it really meant, I believed I was no longer worthy of Christ’s sacrifice.

During this communion, the minister spoke of a book he was reading convincing him it was not necessary for Jesus Christ to die on the cross. At that statement, I became alarmed, wondering how he could be serving communion while believing such a lie. My faith was based on Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, and even though I believed I had committed the unpardonable, I knew salvation was through His obedience, even death on the cross. It was what He came to do, to purchase our salvation by taking upon himself the punishment for our sins. (1 Peter 2:24)

In one statement this clergy wiped out any hope of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross.

Later, during my stay at this facility, the same minister returned. I was told he wanted to speak with me. He was convinced he could help me. This proved inviting as I desperately needed comfort and release from the mental torment. But then, I remembered how this man stated Christ’s sacrifice as not necessary. So, I refused to speak with him. I reasoned, what comfort could he give except to convince me my faith in Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection was null and void. He appeared to me to be a man most miserable, and worse off in his unbelief than I was in my sense of hopelessness.  Isaiah 53

“I did not know it at the time, but God allowed this trial to test the genuineness of my faith.” ( 1 Peter 1:7)

A year later, following my miraculous healing, I finally understood Christ’s unconditional love and grace. No longer did I believe in a shaky salvation based on my  righteousness, but after receiving deliverance in my trial, my faith was renewed, and re-established and I finally understood why nothing could separate me from His love (Ephesians 2: 8-9).

What Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross for the cleansing of my sin was not temporary nor conditional but powerful and everlasting. All my sins, all my sins, present, past, and future were removed on the first day of my confession of faith in His death and resurrection (Hebrews 9:27-28, 1 John 1:9).

And I came to  know by God’s healing and Word, nothing, nor no one, nor any spiritual principality or power could ever separate me from His faithfulness and unconditional love.
(2 Timothy 2: 11-13, Romans 8:1)

Doula Faith

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39

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